Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit Secara Alami dengan Cepat

Cara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit Secara Alami dengan Cepat . Bagi semua orang mungkin kurang percaya diri dengan adanya perut buncit, kali ini kami mencoba berbagi beberapa tips Cara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit Secara Alami dengan Cepat. Sebelumnya juga kami pernah mengulas beberapa tips kesehatan lainnya yakni mengenai Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat, mungkin saja anda juga mencari artikel tersebut.

Cara Mengecilkan Perut
Cara Mengecilkan Perut

Jika anda tidak ingin melihat artikel tadi, anda bisa mengabaikannya dan bisa melanjutkan membaca cara mengecilkan perut buncit secara alami. Dengan menerapkan tips tersebut anda dianjurkan untuk tetap makan 3X dalam sehari namun dengan porsi yang kecil. Anda tetap memerlukan makanan untuk menjaga agar tetap metabolisme dalam tubuh tidak melambat. Dengan mengurangi porsi makanan secara berlebihan tidak akan berhasil dengan maksimal.

Cara Mengecilkan Perut

  • Hindari melewatkan makan, jadi Anda harus makan minimal 3x sehari, tapi tentu saja dengan kalori rendah tapi penuh dengan nutrisi.
  • Hindari minum minuman beralkohol, jika Anda kesulitan, kurangin konsumi minuman beralkohol Anda
  • Jangan diet dengan berpantang mengkonsumsi protein.
  • Jangan makan (makan malam ataupun makanan ringan) kurang dari 3 jam sebelum anda tidur, jadi jika jam tidur anda adalah jam 22, maka makan makan anda maksimal adalah jam 19.
  • Tidur yang cukup,kurang tidur termasuk kebiasaan yang bertentangan dengan tips mengecilkan perut , tiap hari orang dewasa memerlukan waktu 6-7 jam tidur untuk beristirahat setelah seharian beraktifitas. 
  • Makan sarapan sekitar 200 kalori. Hal ini dapat terdiri dari sepotong roti panggang dengan sedikit selai, satu butir telur dadar dan setengah gelas susu. 
  • Makan makanan ringan yang menyehatkan, buah buahan segar, serat yang ada pada buah buahan segar akan membikin Anda lebih lama kenyang.
  • Makan siang sekitar 400 kalori. kira kira seukuran setengah dari rata rata porsi orang orang indonesia ketika makan siang.
  • Jika setelah 2 atau 3 jam dari makan siang tersebut Anda sudah merasa lapar kembali maka silakan anda ambil buah buahan segar sebagai snack Anda.
  • Makan malam cukup 400 kalori saja. Ini biasanya makanan yang paling sulit untuk menjaga 400 kalori, terutama jika Anda makan diluar, segera ingatlah anda sedang mencoba cara mengecilkan perut buncit

Cara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit Secara Alami

1. Minum air yang banyak
Jika kepenuhan perut disebabkan oleh penyimpanan air, Anda sebenarnya dapat mengurangi masalah tersebut dengan minum air lebih banyak. Hal ini akan mencairkan konsentrasi sodium dalam tubuh sehingga meningkatkan jumlah air yang keluar dari sistem. Minum lebih banyak air juga menjamin fungsi empedu efektif untuk mengeluarkan produk sampah. Jangan merubah konsumsi air saat diet karena banyak bahan yang sulit dicerna dan dapat menyebabkan perut menggelembung.

2. Makan perlahan-lahan
Hindari makan cepat, karena ketika Anda menelan terlalu cepat, setidaknya udara tertahan dalam usus dan membentuk gas yang dapat memicu penggelembungan perut. Selalu duduk saat makan dan kunyah makan secara perlahan-lahan. Makanan yang tidak terkunyah menjadi bagian-bagian kecil tidak dapat dicerna dengan sempurna yang kemudian menghasilkan banyak gas yang menimbulkan penggelembungan.

3. Mengurangi konsumsi garam
Terlalu banyak garam dalam diet menambah ektra sodium terhadap cairan tubuh yang memperlambat mekanisme sehingga mendorong air keluar dari sel. Akibatnya perut terasa penuh dan menggelembung.

4. Konsumsi serat yang tepat dalam jumlah cukup
Serat adalah elemen penting dalam diet, tetapi untuk mengimbangi penyimpanan air yang menyebabkan penggelembungan, makanlah serat dalam buah-buahan seperti apel dan pear yang memiliki banyak kandungan air.

5. Awasi pengobatan
Perut yang mengembang adalah efek samping dari konsumsi obat. Aspirin kadang-kadang menyebabkan masalah perut yang memicu sembelit dan penggelembungan, termasuk pil kontrasepsi.

6. Hindari sembelit
Sembelit didefinisikan sebagai memiliki lebih sedikit dari tiga kali buang air besar dalam seminggu atau jika terlibat ketegangan. Sebagai akibat perut terasa menambah besar. Untuk merangsang isi perut, tingkatkan konsumsi serat dari buah-buahan dan sayuran, lakukan secara gradual untuk menghindari fermentasi dan produksi gas yang berlebihan. |

7. Olahraga
Olahraga memang salah satu cara yang wajib ditempuh untuk menghilangkan si perut buncit. Olahraga akan membantu menggerakkan cairan dalam perut yang dapat menyebabkan perut besar dengan mendorongnya keluar dari jaringan dan masuk aliran darah dimana akan dilkeluarkan sebagai keringat atau dibawa ke empedu untuk dikeluarkan sebagai urine. Olahraga yang disarankan antara lain aerobik.

Selamat mencoba tips Cara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit Secara Alami dengan Cepat, semoga berhasil dengan lancar lakukan tips diatas secara teratur.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Membuat Akun Twitter Baru Digunakan Untuk Berpromosi Lewat Twitter

Judulnya panjang ya. Ya. Intinya mengenai dunia twitter. Media social yang sedang populer. Kenapa bisa populer? Dari data yang berhasil kami dapat dari hasil riset dari Semiocast, lembaga riset media sosial yang berpusat di Paris, Prancis. Indonesia termasuk ke dalam lima besar Negara pengguna Twitter setelah Amerika Serikat, Brazil, Jepang, dan juga Inggris.

Begitu populernya ya. Dengan begitu kamu nggak mau buat akun twitter baru untuk media promosi? Haduh. Cepet deh bikin. Ini saya kasih caranya deh.

1. Buka dan isikan data anda dengan benar

klik gambar untuk memperbesar

2. Klik tulisan "Sign up for Twitter" setelah data mengisi nama, email, dan password anda

3. Setelah halaman berubah, makan lengkapilah data seperti dibawah ini

klik gambar untuk memperbesar

4. Pilih username yang akan anda pakai pada Twitter anda

5. Klik tulisan Create My Account

6. Selesai sudah akun twitter anda dibuat, silahkan login ke akun email untuk konfirmasi akun

Iya sih cuma gitu doang cara buat akun twitter baru. Lalu setelah itu gimana cara berpromosi lewat twitter? Nah itu. Tunggu saja yaaaa~

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris Terbaik  - Naskah drama bahasa Inggris tentu saja amat diperlukan dalam praktik berbahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Melalui naskah drama bahasa Inggris, kita mampu mempelajari banyak terutama kemampuan berbicara atau speaking skill. Drama bahasa Inggris, saat ini juga sangat mendukung pembelajaran sebuah bahasa. Jika dahulu kita menemukan drama dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, kini pendidikan bahasa Inggris juga mengambil drama sebagai salah satu materi yang harus dikuasai.

Kali ini, kami akan mempersembahkan sebuah naskah drama bahasa Inggris yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa Inggris berbakat bernama Restry Putri Wahyuni . Oke, berikut naskah drama hasil karyanya. Selamat membaca dan mementaskannya. 

Contoh naksah drama bahasa Inggris

The Power of Mom 


  1. Maryam: a single parent who live with her three daughters. She works as a servant in Professor fikri house to fund her family. She is kind and lovable.
  2. Professor Fikri: a kind Professor who has two daughters.
  3. Jojo: Maryam’s oldest daughter. She is a sMaryamt and wise girl.
  4. Diah: Maryam’s second daughter. Actually she is adopted child. She is so egoist.
  5. Shinta: Maryam’s youngest daughter. She is cute and lovable.
  6. Tania: Professor’s first daughter. She is cruel but actually a kind person.
  7. Rara: Professor’s second daughter. She is a friendly and kind.
  8. Rasya: a very sick patient.
  9. Mayra: patient’s sister. She loves her sister much and does anything to save her sister live.
  10. Wiwik: a nurse

Maryam, a woman who has three daughters works as a servant in the Professor Fikri ’s family. Maryam has been left by her husband who wanted to Maryam a rich widow ten years ago. She struggles for herself and her daughters. She work very hard to make living and afford her daughters’ education, sometime she works in more than one place . She even does not care about her health that is becoming worst day after day. Finally, she is success to bring one of her daughter to study in the no.1 university in the country and successfully become a doctor. Unfortunately, Maryam passed away when her daughter just got her success.

Scene 1 (Maryam’s house)

In the living room, after having diner, Maryam and her daughter go to living room. Maryam is knitting, sinta is doing homework, while jojo and Diah are playing scrabble.

Shinta : “Mom, do you still remember my friend, Tony?”

Maryam : “Yes, I still remember him. He used to come here and pick you up, didn’t he? Why?”

Shinta : “emmm….. He changes….. I mean….”

Diah : “He is so measureable, what’s a pity!”

Maryam. : “Mom, so… what happened to him?”

Jojo : “Well sometimes this life is unpredictable. Everything can be changed. So does him.”

Sinta : “He…ah….drop out from school because he always absent. He seems like doesn’t care about his life, his education, and his future actually.”

Maryam. : (sigh) “I am sorry to hear that, but my children, you should know that your future is on your own hand. Study hard, reach your dream!”

Diah : “School makes me sick. We spend a lot of money for something can’t guarantee my future 100% perfect.”

Jojo : “What are you talking about?”

Diah : “It happens, Sist… It happens in this country.”

Maryam. : “Enough, daughters. Hm…There are so many people who work hard for their future for getting better future. Daughters, do you know Professor. Fikri?

Shinta : “Your boss? Why”

Maryam. : “hm…ehm… did you think he come from rich family? No dear. He was poor, just like us. Let me tell you about him. He had no parent when he was fifteen. Can you imagine what he felt at that time?”

Diah : “Is this important for us?”

Shinta : (look at Diah) “sssssttttt….”

Jojo : “Di! That is not the way how we talk to our mother.”
(Diah, Shinta, Jojo are silent)

Maryam. : “I think it’s better for you to look at his effort in reaching his dream, getting a better life just like now.”

Jojo : (Try to think what her mother have said)

Diah : (leaving the room without any comment)

Shinta : (just busy with her work)

Scene 2 (in the balcony of Professor’s house)

In the afternoon,as usual, Professor Fikri is reading a newspaper in the balcony. Then, Maryam bring him a cup of tea, just as usual.

Professor. : “Thank you!” (The Professor glances at Maryam) “Are you Ok? You look pale.”

Maryam. : “emmm…I’m ok.”

Professor. : “No, you are no ok. Have a seat please. Let’s have a talk!”
Professor and Maryam are silent)

Professor. : “It has been a long time I don’t see your daughters. Are the OK?“

Maryam. : “yes. They are ok, sir.”

Professor. : “Jojo will have final exam this year, right?”

Maryam. : “Yes, this is her last year in senior high school.”

Professor. : “She studies well, doesn’t she?”

Maryam : “yes. She always becomes the best student in her school.” (smiling. Her face show that she is very proud to jojo)

Professor : “What a great! She must be received in every best university in this country”

Maryam : (she bows her head, then turn to smile surly)

Professor :“What about your husband? Have he contacted you? Is there any news from him?

Maryam. : (silent, she is shocked by Professor’s question)
“Since he left me, ten years ago to marry that rich widow, he never contacts me or his daughter.”

Professor : “I’m really sorry for making you feel uncomfortable!”

Maryam : “that’s ok, Professor. I’m alright.”( Maryam smiles bitterly)

Professor :(give two books to Maryam). “Give thisred book to Jojo and the green one to Sinta. “ (he smiles)

Maryam :(receive those book). “Oh.. thank you sir. These are exercise books for National 
Examination. it is new sir. It must be expensive. I cannot afford to buy it, sir”. give those book back to Professor.

Professor :” just take it. I buy it for them. Hopefully, these book can help your daughters to pass the Natinal Examination”.

From inside the house. Suddenly, Tania, Pofessor’ first daughter, screams loud calling Maryam.

Maryam :” oh, Tina is calling me. Excusme sir”

Professor :”yes, please”(Professor continue his reading, Maryam walks away)
Unfortunately, Mariam is late. Tania is coming to approach her in the balcony.

Tania : “Look !what you have done to my blouse. Look at this!” (Throws the dirty blouse to Maryam)

Maryam. : (silent. Confuses..)

Tania : “It is expensive, you know! You cannot afford it” push Maryam down.

Maryam. : “I am sorry Tania. I will try to make it better. I will repair it and clean. I will wash it again”

Tania : “heh…. (With mad face) just do the best! And remember, never do the same mistakes”

(By listening that noise, Rara, Professor’s second daughter, and Professor come to them)

Rara : “please, stop it sisy”. (Help maryam to stand).

Professor : Tania, can you decrease your high pitch voice?. (Professor is looked angry. Then, Tania goes away.)

Maryam. : (Maryam so sad. She walks to the washing room by bringing the blouse with her. Then, wash it again)

Scene 3

Maryam always backs home at six in the afternoon. But, that day after her conversation with Professor Fikri, she doesn’t go home directly. She goes to Mr. Crab’s restaurant. There, she washes the dishes as a part time job. After finish her duty in there, she goes home. She arrives at home at 10 am.

By listening, the sound of the door opened, Jojo runs to her mother and hugs that old woman.

Maryam. : “oh my angel,why don’t you go to bed yet?”

Jojo : (crying) “Mom, where did you go?. You never back home late like this before. I was so worried. I called Professor Fikri, he said you wasn’t there”

Maryam. : (Just smile and “mengelus” Jojo’s hair)

Jojo : “(Holds her mother’s hands) “Oh, look at your hands! What have you done? Why is it so cold?”

Maryam. : (Just smile) “It’s late of night, go to sleep now! You have to go to school tomorrow. Right?!”

Jojo : “But… mom… what….”

Maryam : (smile again) “Just sleep my lovely angel!” (kiss Jojo).

(Maryam walks,leaving Jojo. She put her bag on the table)

Jojo : “Mom, I need to say something.”

Maryam. : “about what? Must it be talked right now? It’s late of night dear.”

Jojo : “mom...”

Maryam. : “ok, tell me now” (siting on the chair)

Jojo : “I got an invitation.”

Maryam. : “Invitation? What kind of invitation? Is there your friend’s wedding party?”

Jojo : “No, Mom. I got an interview invitation from university. I have registered to the university in Jakarta. I have passed the test, and now I will get an interview. What do you think? Shall I?”

Maryam. : (hold her daughter’s hand)” of course my angel. You shall. This is a great good news”. The tears is down from her eyes.

Jojo : “ but, I won’t leave you mom”( crying in her mother arms.)

Maryam : “listen, this is a good opportunity. We should thanks to Alloh ad you have to go? Now, tell me. What faculty will you enter?”

Jojo :medical ( smile and sweep the tears )

Maryam :”ohhh, congratulation. Your dream come true. Alhamdulilah” (huges Jojo again.)

(Diah comes into the house from the window, she walk to her room.then suddenly stops when she realize that her mother and Jojo is in the same room with her. Maryam and Jojo look in Dini’s face)

Diah :”hai mom. (sit on the chair ).what is this?(talking to herself). Wow new book, mom is it new book for Jojo and Sinta? Wow it must be expensive”

(Jojo also sit on the chair near Diah)

Maryam : where are from Dini? (gaze to Dini)

Dini : From Bella’s house. (talking to Jojo).Look this National Exercise examination book for Senior High school . I guess this for you sist.( Dini gives it to Jojo)

Jojo : (receiving the book from Dini) yeah, and this one for must be for Sinta. Oh ,thank you mom. But, why you are so late?

Dini : eem.., doing home work.

Jojo : so then, where is your book? I don’t see you bring even a piece of paper.

Dini : ahh, stop it sisy. (ignoring Jojo)where is the thing for me myself? (Checking the bags carefully). Mom?

Maryam : Dini, we talk again tomorrow ok. Now, its better for you two…(cough)

Dini : No!. ( Dini is jelousy. She stands up) you love me like you do love Sinta and Jojo. Doesn’t you?

Maryam : yes, absolutely sweetheart. Stop saying that so..

Dini : Ok then. Now, I want new shoes. My very very old shoes can not walk with me anymore.

Maryam :but sweetheart, I have no money for...

Dini : mom, they have got those expensive new books and I want new shoes. It must be cheaper than those books. Fair?

Jojo : stop talking Sinta. Now, go sleep!

Dini :I won’t (staring at Jojo) what?

Jojo : can’t you see. Our mom is tired after working a whole day. And you, coming home so late and talking that such impolite words and..

Dini : (plug her ears with her two fingers) what did you say?

Jojo : you! You even not my mother’s..

Maryam : silent Jojo!

Dini : listen that. Be silent!(mocking Jojo by put her tongue out)

Maryam : Stop that Dini. I will finish Mrs Nuri clothes tonight. Tommorw, Dini, You should give it to Mrs Nuri house and take the money from her. you can have the money to buy new shoes. OK! Now, both of you go to sleep!

(Jojo and Dini say no words, they keep silent and went to their room. Just do what her mother asks them. While Mariam, she kni Mrs Nuri clothes without having rest after working a whole day and night)

Scene 4

Seven years later.

In that small house, now Maryam lives only with her two daughters because Jojo had left them to Jakarta. Jojo got scholarship there, in medical faculty. In the beautiful afternoon..

Sinta : mom, you have to take a rest. You look pale. Let me continue sweeping the floor.

Maryam : I’m Ok sweetheart. I can do it. (cough) have you finished your homework?

Sinta : mom, I think, your cough become worst and worst. We should go to the doctor.

Maryam : no, I’m alright. This is just a cough. I can stay alive and do my activity

Sinta :but mom, it will be better if you..
(suddenly Dini come bringing four Bags)

Dini : Assalamualaikum, I’m home. Guess what?

Sinta :what?

Dini : I buy new clothes for us. Check this! Emm, and also shoes.

Maryam : Dini

Dini : yes Mom, this one for you. Is it nice? Oww and look at this Sinta, this is my new bag. You can also borrow it.

Sinta : what makes you become so feminine like this sist? You look so beautiful.

Dini : oh, thank you. This is the power of love sweetheart. A tomboy girl metamorphosis became a lady. Ohh..what a sweet.

Maryam : Dini, came here. (Asking Dini to sit beside her). Why you spent the money for these things? We have to use the money wisely. For example; for your study for our daily needs.

Dini : Mom, I have to prepare for my graduation next week. I need these all. I need new kebaya, shoes, bag and all these things. You will know it if only you are study in college like me.

Sinta : sisy! Watch your mouth

Dini : what?

Maryam : girls, Listen!. Your sister Jojo work hard in Jakarta to give us better living, no to waste the mony sweetheart.

( maryam cough getting worst,now her cough bleeding. In minutes she fainted)

Scene 5

Jojo work in Dramais. That evening, after she prayed Magrib her cell phone rings.

Jojo : Assalamualaikum Sinta

Sinta : Walaikum salam

Jojo : What’s happend? Why your voice..

Sinta : Jo.. mama... Mama is hospitalized this evening, her cough is bleeding. Come home sist..

Jojo : Where is Dini? I need to talk to her.

Sinta : She is having dinner with her new boyfriend

Jojo : What?

Sinta : I am alone sist. I’m afraid

Jojo : be patient, where is mom?

Sinta : yes, she is here

Jojo : give the phone to her

Maryam : Assalamualaikum..

Jojo :Alaikumsalam, how are you feeling ?

Maryam : i’m alright my angel. Sinta just exaggerates my condition.

Jojo : Ok, i’ll back tonight. Maybe i’ll arrive in the morning.

( Mayra, a sister of one of Jojo’s patient came and cry)

Mayra : doctor, help my sister. Please.

Jojo : mom, i have to hang the call up. I’ll call you later

Maryam :ok my angel. Listen! You have to save your patient live. I will be Ok.

Jojo : Ok mom. Love you

( noise come from in the end of phone. Just like the phone is falling. Jojo hears Sinta scream)

Jojo : Hello, Mom..Sinta.. Sinta.. what is happened? Hallo..
Sinta... answer me (crying). Mom...

Mayra : excusme docter, please help my sister. Her condition is getting worst.please dokter ( still crying)

Jojo : I have to meet my mother, she is sick. Sorry Mayra. I have to go home.

Mayra : please doctor, Rasya is my only family. How can i live tthis world alone. Please doctor.

Jojo :( Jojo tries to run, she avoids Mayra. But mayra keep following her and begging her)please. I have to meet my only mother. Please. Understand me.
(Jojo’s phone is ringing)

Jojo : Hallo..

Maryam : Hallo sweetheart. I’m Ok. Do your duty well, ok?! Promise me.

Jojo :mom.. (crying).

Maryam :love you my angel. Assalamualaikum ( the phone is hung up)

Jojo : hallo mom, mom..

( Jojo look at Mayra who follow her. She stare at Mayra sadly eyes)

Jojo :let’s go to your sister.

Mayra :ohh, thank you doctor.

Scene 6

The next morning Maryam insists to go home. She want stay in the hospital. Docter punished her acult lung cancer, last stadium. In their small house, Maryam sleep unconciously and wewkly.

In the mid day, Jojo arrives. She run to Maryam room. In that room, Sinta is sitting beside Maryam, crying.

Jojo :mom, here i am. I am coming. Wake up mom. Mom.. (crying and hold her mother)

(maryam open her eyes weakly. She smile to her daughter)

Maryam: my angel (maryam whispering)

Professor Fikri comes to see Maryam. Then he sits beside Maryam. Maryam's condition gets worst and worst. Finally, she dies..

Itulah sebuah contoh Naskah drama bahasa Inggris yang sangat mengesankan dan mempunyai makna dalam. Semoga memberikan inspirasi kepada Anda.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat dengan Putih Telur

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat dengan Putih Telur - jerawat datang lagi, datang lagi.. Si kecil yang satu ini sering hadir setidaknya sebulan sekali. Walaupun kecil, jerawat sangat mengganggu penampilan. Tidak hanya pada saat bengkak dan meradang, kadang jerawat meninggalkan bekas noda pada kulit, sehingga wajah jadi tidak mulus lagi.

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat dengan Putih Telur

Anda bisa memilih berbagai perawatan untuk menghilangkan bekas jerawat, mulai ke klinik kecantikan atau bahan alami yang ada di dapur. Jika Anda lebih suka pilihan kedua, maka Anda bisa menggunakan putih telur untuk menghilangkan bekas jerawat.

Selama ini putih telur lebih sering dipakai untuk mengencangkan wajah, tapi dia punya fungsi lain lho. Kandungan protein dalam putih telur dapat secara perlahan menyamarkan bekas jerawat. Selain itu, jika masker dipakai pada seluruh wajah, kulit bisa lebih kencang dan mengecilkan pori-pori. Yuk bikin sendiri.

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat


1 butir telur ayam (usahakan telur organik) ambil putihnya

Cara Memakai:
  1. Pada wajah yang sudah dibersihkan, oleskan putih telur secara merata.
  2. Lakukan pemijatan ringan, terutama pada darah yang memiliki bekas jerawat.
  3. Diamkan hingga putih telur kering.
  4. Bilas wajah dengan air hangat.

Anda bisa melakukan perawatan ini dua hingga tiga kali setia minggu. Hasil akan terlihat jika Anda melakukan perawatan rutin. Karena memakai bahan alami, Anda harus sabar menunggu hasilnya. Selamat mencoba!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

100 Lagu Barat Terbaru | Tangga Lagu Juli 2012

Ini merupakan posisi Tangga Lagu Barat pada minggu pertama bulan Juli 2012, biasanya tidak ada perubahan signifikan antara minggu ke-1 dan minggu ke-2. Pemuncak tangga lagu bulan ini adalah si cantik Carly Rae Jepsen dengan lagunya Call Me Maybe, yang sudah ada di chart selama 18 minggu.

Diposisi kedua ada Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone yang sudah ada di chart selama 10 minggu , dan

Diposisi ketiga adalah Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know harus rela turun ke posisi 3, Gotye feat. Kimbra ini berada di tangga lagu billboard selama 25 minggu. Cukup lama juga ya...

Berikut daftar lengkap chart untuk bulan ini. Cekidot.

100 Lagu Barat Terbaru Juli 2012 Minggu ke-1 (Billboard Chart)
Penyanyi - Judul Lagu

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe


Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone


Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know


Katy perry - Wide Awake


Rihanna - Where Have You Been


Ellie Goulding - Lights


 fun. feat. Janelle Monae - We Are Young 


Nicki Minaj - Starships


One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

Usher - Scream


Flo Rida Featuring Sia - Wild Ones


David Guetta Feat. Sia - Titanium


The Wanted - Glad You Came


Pitbull - Back In Time


Kanye West, Pusha T, Big Sean, 2 Chain - Mercy


Luke Bryan - Drunk On You


Karmin - Brokenhearted


Justin Bieber - Boyfriend


Train - Drive By


Eric Church - Springsteen


Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)


Calvin Harris - Feel So Close


Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up


Neon Trees - Everybody Talks


Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart A Break


Kenny Chesney - Come Over

Gym Class Heroes Feat. Ryan Tedder - The Fighter

Wiz Khalifa - Work Hard, Play Hard


Eli Young Band - Even If It Breaks Your Heart


Drake Featuring Lil Wayne - The Motto


Drake Featuring Rihanna - Take Care

fun. - Some Nights


Katy Perry - Part Of Me

Kirko Bangz - Drank In My Cup


Calvin Harris Feat. Ne-Yo - Let's Go


Ca$h Out - Cashin' Out


Dierks Bentley - 5-1-5-0


Havana Brown Feat. Pitbull - We Run The Night

One Direction - One Thing

2 Chainz Feat. Drake - No Lie

Carrie Underwood - Good Girl

Maroon 5 - One More Night 


Usher - Climax LMFAO - Sexy And I Know It


Rihanna Feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love

LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett and GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem


Trey Songz - Heart Attack


Kip Moore - Somethin' 'Bout A Truck


Gloriana - (Kissed You) Good Night


Adele - Set Fire To The Rain


Brantley Gilbert - You Don't Know Her Like I Do

Cher Lloyd - Want U Back


Nicki Minaj Feat. 2 Chainz - Beez In The Trap


Linkin Park - Burn It Down


B.o.B Feat. Taylor Swift - Both Of Us


Little Big Town - Pontoon


Usher feat. Rick Ross - Lemme See


Grouplove - Tongue Tied


Flo Rida - Whistle


Toby Keith - Beers Ago

Hunter Hayes - Wanted


Young Jeezy Feat. Ne-Yo - Leave You Alone


Rita Ora - How We Do (Party)


Love And Theft - Angel Eyes


Alex Clare - Too Close


J. Cole Feat. Missy Elliott - Nobody's Perfect


Drake Feat. Lil Wayne - HYFR (Hell Yeah F*****g Right)


Rihanna Feat. Chris Brown - Birthday Cake 


DJ Khaled Feat. Chris Brown, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne - Take It To The Head


Josh Turner - Time Is Love


The Band Perry - Postcard From Paris


Jason Aldean - Fly Over States


Justin Bieber feat. Nicki Minaj - Beauty and a Beat


Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks


The Lumineers - Ho Hey


The Wanted - Chasing The Sun


Blake Shelton - Over

Jana Kramer - Why Ya Wanna

Keith Urban - For You


Dustin Lynch - Cowboys and Angels


Jennifer Lopez Feat. Pitbull - Dance Again


LoveRance Feat. IamSu and Skipper or 50 Cent - UP!

Drake Feat. The Weeknd - Crew Love


M83. - Midnight City

Nicki Minaj Feat. Chris Brown - Right By My Side


Lil Wayne feat. Big Sean - My Homies Still


Meek Mill feat. Drake - Amen


Travis Porter Feat. Tyga - Ayy Ladies


Lee Brice - Hard To Love

Imagine Dragons - It's Time

Zac Brown Band - No Hurry

Thompson Square - Glass

Driicky Graham - Snap Backs and Tattoos


Kelly Clarkson - Dark Side


Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music

Justin Bieber feat. Drake - Right Here


Michel Telo - Ai Se Eu Te Pego


The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling


Skrillex Feat. Sirah - Bangarang


B.o.B - So Good


Easton Corbin - Lovin' You Is Fun

NB: blog ini hanya menampilkan tangga lagu barat versi billboard, jika ingin mendapatkan lagu-lagu tersebut silakan mengunjungi situs file sharing terdekat (idws, 4shared) atau mendapatkan secara legal di,, dll

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chart Tangga Lagu Indonesia Terbaru Juili 2013

Dikesempatan kali ini mau share Chart Tangga Lagu Indonesia Terbaru Jul 2013 yang pastinya ditunggu-tunggu oleh pengunjung setia blog ini.
Jadi kalo kamu suka dengan deretan lagu terpopuler dibulan juli 2013 kamu wajib nih lihat deretan tangga lagu indonesia edisi bulan juni 2013 dibawah ini.

tangga lagu indonesia terbaru

Chart Tangga Lagu Indonesia Terbaru Juli 2013

  1. Tegar – Aku yang Dulu Bukanlah Yang Sekarang
  2. Geisha – Lumpuhkan Ingatanku
  3. Noah – Semakin Di Depan
  4. Bunga Citra Lestari – Cinta Sejati
  5. Uje – Shalawat Cinta
  6. Achikochi – Ku Kan Pergi
  7. Dadali – Disaat Sendiri
  8. Rossa – Tak Sanggup Lagi
  9. Geisha – Seharusnya Percaya
  10. Siti Badriah – Brondong Tua
  11. Tangga – Cinta Tak Mungkin Berhenti
  12. Opick – Bila Waktu Tlah Berakhir
  13. Zaskia – 1000 Alasan
  14. Ungu – Bila Tiba (Ost. Sang Kiai)
  15. Jefry Al Buchori – Sepohon Kayu
  16. Last Child – Sekuat Hatimu
  17. Republik – Sandiwara Cinta
  18. Yovie & Nuno – Mengejar Mimpi
  19. Cakra Khan – Harus Terpisah
  20. Ebiet G Ade – Titip Rindu Buat Ayah
  21. Judika – Bukan Dia Tapi Aku
  22. Ungu – Kau Anggap Apa
  23. Amy Search ft. Inka Christy – Cinta Kita
  24. Jefry Al Buchori – I’Tiraf
  25. Last Child Feat Giselle – Seluruh Nafas Ini
  26. Armada – Apa Kabar Sayang
  27. Seventeen – Ayah
  28. Judika – Aku Yang Tersakiti
  29. Sule – Mimin I Love You
  30. Rumor – Butiran Debu
Demikianlah Chart Tangga Lagu Indonesia Terbaru Juli 2013 yang bisa kami share saat ini, semoga artkel mengenai tangga lagu indonesia ini bermanfaat